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Kindergarten Puppy Training

Start your puppy right, avoid inadvertently teaching your puppy the wrong behaviors and get them started early.  Class is recommended for pups 12 weeks to 6 months of age and it has been 10 days after having at least their first set of vaccinations to start class. Topics covered are: handling of puppy to prepare for vet visits and grooming whether done by yourself or a groomer, house training, crate training, what and how is the right kind of socialization, confidence building, mouthing/biting, nail trimming, avoiding food bowl & possession issues, grooming, jumping, settle/relax, and information on health and nutrition is also covered. Skills taught are attention (look or watch me), name-game (foundation for come), collar grab so pup is comfortable/happy when you go to reach for him/her and won't run away, sit, down, stand, give, touch, meet & greet politely, recall-come (recall games), wait, off, follow me to walking politely on the end of the leash.  Teaching you how to understand dog body language of what your puppy is trying to tell you as well as what the pup/dog you come across may be signaling to you and your pup.  Is your dog suitable for the dog park or even more important is the dog park suitable for your dog? What are other options?


Wednesday, 5:30pm - Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30     FULL







Basic Obedience/Manners

Class is for pups/dogs over 5 months, learning foundation skills and building from puppy class as well as: learning sit and down stay, stand for exam, wait (owner to go through all openings first plus no bolting out of crates, gates, car doors or doorways), strengthening recalls ‘come’, give in hand or drop it, walking politely on the end of a leash, heel, manners of leave it (meaning dog never gets it), impulse control, place/go to (bed, mat, crate), out (example-getting out of whatever area owner is in) and a few tricks.  Proper socialization, confidence building and more on dog body language.  Teaching you to have the best companion that is a dream to walk and take anywhere.



Wednesday, 5:45pm - Nov 13, 20, 27, Dec 4, 11











This class is for those that want to take their working partnership to higher levels, possibly getting better prepared for other dog sports such as Rally, drafting (pulling a cart) or Agility.  Basic level must have been completed as the Advance class is to build and strengthen skills already learned such as proofing stays, come in all situations, plus challenges with new skills of drop-on-recall, heeling off-leash, back up, high jump. 

You and your dog will have the skills to pass the 12 steps of the Canine Good Neighbor:   

  1. Accepting a friendly stranger                            5. Walking through a crowd                                                    9. Reaction to a passing dog

  2. Politely accepts petting                                       6. Sit/down on command and stay in place                        10. Reaction to distractions

  3. Appearance and Grooming                                7. Come when called                                                              11. Supervised isolation

  4. Out for a walk                                                       8. Praise and interaction                                                        12. Walking through a door/gate


Held in Kamloops - Monday, 6:45pm - Oct 28, Nov 4, 18, 25, Dec 2

                                     Note: no class on Nov 11th Rememberance Day

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